Time to wrap up the history of how we've gotten to this point, but first must share good news. Last Thursday we became officially DTC (Dossier to China.) That means we now wait for China to log in our paperwork and review it. Once approved, we receive an LOA (Letter of Acceptance) to adopt Quinn. I would cherish your prayers that China gets us through quickly. It is gut-wrenching to know there is a little girl halfway around the world waiting and all that's keeping you from getting her is a bunch of red tape!
So I left off with accepting the referral of Liu Er Qin...
On February 23, 2011, I hastily put our homestudy in the mail to the Department of Homeland Security (otherwise referred to as an I-800A.) We required their approval before we could send our ppwk to China. As soon as I dropped it off, I felt an amazing mix of emotions...anxiety, excitement, fear. So, on my way to the grocery store, I prayed for wisdom and guidance and,once again, that if this was in fact the child He had planned for us, that we would see His blessing on the process to bring her home.
As I walked down the cereal aisle of the store, I passed a woman with an adorable adopted child. I thought about saying something to her, but decided to respect her privacy. She, in turn, approached me to ask if I'd like a coupon. We struck up a conversation about adoption from China. She had adopted three children from China and had an amazing wealth of knowledge about the ins and outs of the process. I told her about our little girl, where she was from, her special needs and we exchanged email addresses. I was thinking, 'Wow, what an amazing blessing of guidance. God is SO good!" Little did I know how good He really was...
Later that afternoon, I received an email from who I now affectionately refer to as 'grocery store Amy." I will never forget the subject "Is this your baby?" Attached were 4 pictures of a toddler named Tina. I disregarded them at first, but, second guessing myself, compared the pictures I has received to the ones of this little girl. She obviously had the same brachial plexus injury, but her face looked so different. I emailed Amy with my referral pictures and got a call from her within minutes. She knew our little girl! More than that, she had updated information about our little girl! Of all the orphans in China and all the adoptive families in the US, her dear friend had reviewed OUR little girl's file just a few months prior. Then she broke the news..."Do you know about her legs?" My heart skipped a beat. Amy was kind enough to share all the information her friend had discovered about Liu Er Qin. There were fears of cerebral palsy because she was not walking and her legs were quite weak. Her friend had prayerfully decided this was not the little girl meant for their family, but AMy shared that they had just prayed the night before I met Amy that Liu Er Qin would find a loving family.
Now, Chris and I were wondering if she was the one meant for OUR family! After all, this wasn't what we signed up for. We could handle a hand injury, but CP! That was way more than we could handle and we certainly didn't want to bring home a child with such extensive needs that it would disrupt Colin and Owen's lives. I had prayed for guidance and God gave it in a way that was nothing less than miraculous. Now, though, we were left with the question, 'What are you asking us to do with this guidance?!"
Chris and I frantically sought updates about Liu Er Qin's condition. We discussed, we prayed, we talked to doctors and showed countless specialists the pictures we had received from Amy. We were pertrified. We were trying to do everything in our power to make a wise decision for our family, but it was all as clear as mud and we couldn't seem to find anyone who could give us updates on her current condition.
Then, one Sunday at church, a very wise missionary spoke to the congregation about his call to become a missionary as a young father. Two of his statements left me in tears. "We knew that the safest place for our family was in the center of God's will." "God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called." Light bulb moment! Chris and I were trying so desperately to be in control of this decision, but the decision had already been made. We were just too frightened to accept it. This little girl may in fact have a much more serious condition than we anticipated, but who are we to say God wouldn't want that for our family! He has carried us every single baby step of the way toward this little girl, even connecting us with people who knew and prayed for her! As long as we are seeking Him, our family will be just fine. Though Chris and I still had our fears, we decided to move forward in faith. God wants the best for us. It may just be in a very different package than what WE thought was best for us!
Days after we had ascertained that we would move forward no matter what her condition, we received an update..."Liu Er Qin is walking now." She presented with no signs of CP!
We are incredibly grateful for having that time of internal struggle because it brought us to a deeper place of attachment to Quinn and a place of unconditional love and acceptance of her. God knew we needed to get there and He helped us get there through some amazing people! What chokes me up to this day is the love He has shown for Quinn. She has had so many wonderful families praying for her and loving her even before we ever saw her face! What a blessing!
What an amazing story! I was in tears as I read it. We are on our third adoption--second from China--and have asked ourselves and God the same questions. Is our daughter the right one? We received countless updates of Thomas while we waited, and several of Grace as we waited, but so far nothing about LilyBeth. Our most recent photos are more than 12 months old. The waiting is truly the hardest part, but it will pass. Thanks for sharing your story and congratulations on your daughter!
ReplyDeleteSo happy to hear the good news about Quinn. My dh and I also reviewed her file and I desperately wanted to move ahead even with the unknowns but he did not. Now I know that she is with the family she is supposed to be with and rejoice with you that she is walking and no signs of CP. Can't wait until she is home. Blessings, Cindi