Monday, November 14, 2011


We received our TA (travel approval) on Thursday, Nov 10th!  Yes, it took 3 weeks, the long wait as everything else has been, but IT'S HERE!  We can't book our flights until our court appts in China have been booked by our agency.  It can take up to a week to book the appts, but our case manager said we may actually (brace yourselves) get the appts TODAY so we can book flights TODAY! 

Making us smile even more, we finally received a response from our update request ages ago.  Quinn is right in the 18 month clothing range, petite for a 30 month old, but her head is in the 50%!  A big-brained kid like the Pendergrast boys:) She's already potty training (guess I need to trade in the diapers I bought for a potty seat:)  She's speaking 3-5 word sentences, loves cars and trucks to play with, and is a great sleeper and eater.

Now for the heart-breaking is policy to send children back to the orphanage from their foster homes once the adoptive family's TA has been received.  This means that Quinn may have already left her adoring foster mother (as evidenced from the amazing pictures we received) and gone back to the orphanage for what could be 3 weeks:(  Please stop reading now to say a prayer for Quinn's comfort, safety, and care as well as her foster mother's sense of peace.  I cannot imagine the grief that they both must be feeling right now. 

We hope to update soon with our travel plans:)  If you could say a prayer for that process to go smoothly, we'd appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. Done and done!!!! SOOOOOOO excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
