Actually one month and 3 days, but who's counting:)
We're very slowly but surely getting into a routine. The boys started back to school on Jan 2nd and the first week was incredibly frustrating for me. I love routine and I love order...we had none! I forgot about signing hoemwork folders, packing lunches, doing laundry. Cooking a meal seemed a bit overwhleming while helping two with homework and listening to the third say her favorite word "up, up, up." I lost my keys, forgot to put refrigerated groceries away, and did not glance at the newspaper all week. This week I am trying harder to get into a routine since I know it will be my saving grace, but it's still a little slow going.
Quinn is doing fabulously. She's eating and sleeping like a champ and even asks to get in the bathtub. Her language seems to develop more and more by the minute. Each day she'll have a new phrase she enjoys using. One day it was "Cheers" before every sip of her drinks. Another day she walked around saying "I don't know" to every question we asked. Yesterday Colin taught her "Sup" as in "What's up" with the head bob and all. She gets really into character with that one!
We had a positive TB test last week despite the negative result in China. After a fun morning of chest X-rays, we found out that her lungs look good, but we may have to put her on a 9-month regimen of potent antibiotics. Praying we can avoid it, but we'll know for sure later this week.
Tomorrow Chris and I will take Quinn to Duke for her first specialist appointment. Duke has a pediatric brachial plexus clinic (of course they do:) We'll meet with a neurologist and orthopaedist to determine the best approach to help Quinn regain some movement in her right arm and hand. We'll write again soon with the update on that one.
For now, in my discombobulated state, I leave you with a few recent pictures...
Your discombobulated seems like my norm (-: You're a rock star. Praying for easy, non-invasive medical stuff (-: