Monday, September 12, 2011

Still waiting...

I wish I were posting to say we've received approval from Immigration, but, unfortunately, no word yet.  What typically takes 2-3 weeks from LOA to approval is now in week 4 for us:(   On the one hand, I believe and trust that God has perfect timing set up for us to bring Quinn home.  However, my earthly craving to hold my daughter is sometimes unbearable.  I heard a song just a few minutes ago on our local Christian station that described absolutely perfectly how I'm feeling right now.  While he's referring to being with God in heaven, it depicts a yearning I'm sure we've all had for a wait to be over.  And for those who have adopted, I think it speaks volumes about the journey.  I've posted the lyrics and You Tube link below.  Hope it touches you as well. 

‘Cause I just want to be with You
I just want this waiting to be over
I just want to be with You
And it helps to know the Day is getting closer
But every minute takes and hour
Every inch feels like a mile
Till I won’t have to imagine
And I finally get to see You smile!

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