Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Countdown begins...

Another road block:( 
One of China's biggest holidays was October 1st, National Day.  To celebrate, EVERYTHING shuts down for an entire week!  While our ppwk arrived at the Consulate in China on Sept 30th, it will be sitting on a desk all week this week UNTOUCHED.  Thankfully, the processing will begin next week and we have been given the date, Oct 20th, that our completed ppwk will be picked up and overnighted to the Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs (CCAA.)  Once the CCAA receives the ppwk, they will issue us our Travel Approval (TA.)  It recently has been taking anywhere from 1-3 wks to receive your TA.  Once we receive our TA, our agency will begin making our flight/hotel arrangements as well as all of our appts while we're there.  This process will take approx. 3 weeks.  All that being said, we could be leaving for China as soon as the week before Thanksgiving or as late as the week before Christmas.  Obviously, our hope is to leave ASAP.  We cannot imagine being away from our boys over Christmas.  We know all of this is in God's hands and would appreciate a quick prayer that if it is His will, we can get our TA soon and travel before the holidays.

It finally seems as if this is actually going to happen.  I've been having moments of giddiness where the anticipation makes me do a little dance!  I've also been waking in the middle of the night planning what to bring and imagining holding Quinn and playing with her.  I liken this to the sleeplessness at the end of pregnancy.  I am getting prepared to sleep less soundly and less often for a while:)  I'm also beginning to pack.  While I am a super organizer, I am NOT a super planner so I have relied on those who have gone before me (literally) to help me figure out what I need.  It turns out, I need A LOT!  Wish me luck on fitting it all into a few suitcases!

Colin and Owen are definitely sensing that Quinn will be here soon.  Owen just said to me yesterday, "I am imagining that I hear Quinn crying upstairs."  Colin is a little more excited in his imagination.  He's read every book on her bookshelf so he's prepared to read them to her.  Chris is focused on work and providing for the new addition as I am in nesting mode.  There has been a toddler adoption book on his nightstand for months.  It is very reminiscent of when Colin was born and he had a Babywise book on his nightstand for months.  He finally opened it and scanned through in a panic while I was in labor at the hospital.  I have a feeling the adoption book will be accompanying us on the plane to China:)

Many people have asked me if we've received any new pictures or updates.  Unfortunately, no:(  We did send a care package to Quinn with a gift for her foster family as well.  We requested a picture, but were never sent one.  We'll definitely pass along an update if we receive one before we travel.


  1. Can't wait to give you a send off!!

  2. Good Luck guys! i pray that you will travel before the holidays. Best of luck.

  3. me when you get a chance.....

    2 friends are going to china......doing some things at some schools and orphanages......long shot...but maybe at Quinn's!? maybe get a picture of her (-:
    praying daily for you guys!!!!!!!
