Friday, December 9, 2011

Fun Day

In Baba's Shoes

We had a lot more to do today and it was a nice change of pace.  We started off the day with a trip to Shamian(sp?) Island to get Quinn's physical examination and TB test.  Many families used to stay on the island at the White Swan Hotel while adopting, but since it is closed for renovations, there isn't as much traffic there.  It was a nice change of pace with the European style buildings and resort-like atmosphere. There were many bridse and grooms on-site to get wedding pictures taken.  I've included a picture of Quinn checking it out.  She's very inquisitive and would stare as long as we'd let her.

The exam was short and sweet.  Thank goodness our guide knew to get us in today before the mad rush of adoptive families tomorrow-80 on the books to get physicals!  Quinn did not like the shot, but all it took was a gummie to stop the tears.  The doctor commented that she had great use of her right arm and hand for having brachial plexus paralysis and everyone there enjoyed her grins and chitter-chatter.
Once we left the doctor's office, we did a little shopping since there were more touristy types of things for sale and much better prices.  Then we had another amazing lunch picked out by Jack.  I ate pigeon...that's right, pigeon!  Psychologically, it was not good, but if I closed my eyes and ignored the head sitting on the table, it wasn't half bad:) 
 During the day, Quinn got her first boo-boo with us.  She fell and got a big ole goose egg on her head.  We realized that although she does a great job using her right arm and hand, she can't catch herself with it very well.  The photos show the bruise:(

After lunch we headed back to the hotel for a little R&R then we walked to a nearby park where I shot a lot of pictures today.  It was a gorgeous place with lots of opportunities for Quinn to run around and act crazy.  She ran and screamed and laughed like it was nobody's business! 
For dinner, we found a new MEXICAN place nearby!  I love trying local cuisine, but it was a pleasure to have some delicious guacamole and margaritas for a change!  Of course, Quinn loved the food, too!  She crashed early tonight since she was up a lot last night with a cough.  Thankfully, we got some cough Rx so hoping for better sleep tonight!
I can't post without noting again how amazingly bright and pleasant Quinn is.  Her vocabulary is expanding overnight.  She can say mama, baba (dad), gugu (older brother), no, hi, bye-bye, more, please, one-two-three, eyes, nose, ears, socks, shoes...the list lengthens everyday.  If she is upset, she'll cry for a minute, but is easily consoled.  The times we see her grieve are fewer.  They are primarily after someone speaks Cantonese to her.  She'll get really quiet and start to rub her eyebrow.  I cannot imagine what is going through her little mind at those times, but with some TLC, she starts grinning again.
We are missing Colin and Owen like crazy.  It is helpful to be able to see their handsome faces on Skype everyday, but I am already imagining grabbing them out of their beds when we get home late Sat the 17th and squeezing them tightly.  Huge thank yous to the grandparents for giving them the TLC they need while we're gone.
While I am missing home and am anxious to be there, I remember that once we leave China, Quinn will be the one feeling out of place and out of sorts.  Having the experience of feeling this yearning for home will be helpful in understanding Quinn's grief down the road.
Well, Chris and I are going to enjoy some wine and a movie and will prepare for a trip to the zoo tomorrow!  Good night from Guangzhou!


  1. Thank you again for yet another beautiful posting! Quinn is an amazing and beautiful little girl!! I love your descriptions and pictures of the food and culture- it looks like you're soaking up and enjoying every bit of it! Thanks again for letting us live vicariously through you. We leave 2 weeks from today and your blog is building fantastic anticipation for us!!
    Tiffany & Jason Porter

  2. OH Katie...I'm in tears...Quinn is such a lucky young girl, and what a blessing she is already to your whole family. You guys are doing such an awesome job, and I can only hope that more children in China have forever families like you guys waiting for them. I am also in prayer that there are plenty of foster families in China to give children like Quinn such a great start in the world.
    Awesome awesome pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love love,

  3. Your title "Fun Day" was a perfect description as you relayed each new experience. (We are very impressed that you ate pigeon... I will never go through a park and feed one without thinking of you.) :)

    I commend you for remembering how out of your element you feel and how Quinn must feel with you. Fortunately, you have a remarkable little girl who will have amazing skills in adapting to new situations.

    I am in AWE of all the words she knows! But I am somewhat shocked and saddened that "Grandma Sue" is not yet in her vocabulary. You have time to work on that...

    I must add my thanks to Chris' parents for making the home front a comfortable, fun place for Colin and Owen. A gift of a lifetime.

    Thanks for sharing your Journey of Faith so eloquently. It is a gift of a lifetime to me.


  4. I am just now catching up! I thought I had subscribed to get your updates, but I must have done something wrong. Oh my goodness! That is one absolutely precious child. Her happy smiles and laughter make my heart leap with joy. She does look like a little girl who is attaching well--yet another answer to prayer! I am so happy that you have so much time to bond with Quinn in her own country. Those pictures will be such a gift to her forever. I will keep following now that I know you are posting. Can't wait to see all of you in person. Love, Dawn

  5. Did you find the Starbucks on Shamian? We spent many a morning walking back and forth from the Starbucks. :) I'll forever kick myself for not buying a Guangzho city mug! Thought for sure I could buy one online at home...nope.

    What a smile she has! Your daughter is beautiful!
