Thursday, December 8, 2011

Getting more comfortable

We are all getting more comfortable it seems...with life in China, knowing our way around, and with our daughter.  She is also becoming more comfortable with us.  We can tell because she is testing us more and more instead of obeying everything.  She pouts more and cries if she doesn't get her way instead of being stoic.  As I write this, she is chatting away in Cantonese in her crib in the other room instead of passing out in our arms from fear or sheer exhaustion.  She was dry ALL day because everytime we'd come back to the room she'd whisper, nyaw-nyaw (that's the way pee-pee is pronounced in Cantonese), then she'd go through the routine she loves of turing on the lights, sitting and singing on the potty and signing "all done" then cheering "yeah" after looking in the potty. 
Quinn is quite the daddy's girl.  She wanted to be held by him and play with him all day today.  She still goes to me for things she needs, but if she wants to play, it's all about dad.  He can get her to crack up laughing like he's a stand up comedian!  It's adorable to see the way she's attaching to him and him to her. 
We had a pretty uneventful day for the most part today.  This evening our guide, Jack, took us for some Hunan Chinese food.  It was a relief to be with someone who could speak the language, do the ordering, and show us how NOT to make fools of ourselves while eating.  The food was amazing!  I got a picture of our can see that Quinn was a fan, too, although we haven't found a single food she isn't a fan of so far.

Tomorrow we'll head to the island to get Quinn's physical and TB test and do a little shopping.  Then jack will take us to his favorite dim sum place for lunch...yum!  Hope to have some good pics and stories to share...


  1. Quinn may pout at times, but she sure knows how to say "cheese" for the camera - in Chinese or English, it all looks the same on film!

    It is so good that she is learning to be herself around you instead of a guest. And you can relax and be yourselves... complete with those stern looks and boundaries. Ahhh... parenthood.

    Miss you terribly. We will be home tonight, and I'll be online. We left a message for the boys last night. Miss them terribly, too.


  2. Love seeing the pictures and hearing all about Quinn! Madeline and Tatum have been reading the updates and looking at the pictures too. Every time I say that there is a new update, they both run to the computer to read over my shoulder. Madeline is excited that there will be another girl around when we all get together!
    Miss you guys xxx

  3. She's such a beauty!!! I love that smile! It is so hard when they start testing you while your still in China. Uggh, it is so much harder to set the boundaries for a 2 year old when you are still trying to make those early bonding steps.
    Email if you need anything!
    You all look like you are having a great time. So happy for you.
